Country IAM ID Competitions
China 13071 2

DisciplineScoreCompetitionRecordRankIAM level
15-minute Words 174 World Memory Championship 2009 81 16
Spoken Numbers 63 World Memory Championship 2009 244 11
Speed Cards 39.72 seconds World Memory Championship 2009 132 15
Hour Numbers 2080 World Memory Championship 2009 32 19
5-minute Numbers 234 World Memory Championship 2008 271 12
5-minute Dates 67 World Memory Championship 2009 88 14
Hour Cards 893 World Memory Championship 2009 80 17
30-minute Binary 2436 World Memory Championship 2008 100 14

* An IAM level in bold indicates that this discipline is one of the best 10 used for the competitor's IAM Level calculation.