(Expert Iron)

Country IAM ID Competitions
China 13637 1

IAM level

DisciplineScoreCompetitionRecordRankIAM level
30-minute Binary 1455 World Memory Championships 2014 393 9
Hour Cards 372 World Memory Championships 2014 533 7
5-minute Dates 32 World Memory Championships 2014 598 8
15-minute Names & Faces 46 World Memory Championships 2014 510 6
5-minute Numbers 152 World Memory Championships 2014 737 8
Hour Numbers 545 World Memory Championships 2014 580 6
Speed Cards 99.77 seconds World Memory Championships 2014 720 9
Spoken Numbers 16 World Memory Championships 2014 1073 3
15-minute Words 101 World Memory Championships 2014 380 10

* An IAM level in bold indicates that this discipline is one of the best 10 used for the competitor's IAM Level calculation.