Country IAM ID Competitions
China 12462 1

DisciplineScoreCompetitionRecordRankIAM level
30-minute Binary 855 World Memory Championship 2008 751 6
Hour Cards 700 World Memory Championship 2008 194 13
5-minute Dates 18 World Memory Championship 2008 1354 4
5-minute Numbers 80 World Memory Championship 2008 1515 5
Hour Numbers 92 World Memory Championship 2008 1011 1
Speed Cards 48 cards World Memory Championship 2008 1614 4
Spoken Numbers 8 World Memory Championship 2008 1956 1
15-minute Words 89 World Memory Championship 2008 516 8

* An IAM level in bold indicates that this discipline is one of the best 10 used for the competitor's IAM Level calculation.