(Master Bronze)

Country IAM ID Competitions
Ukraine 11148 5

449th 11
World ranking IAM level

DisciplineScoreCompetitionRecordRankIAM level
30-minute Binary 1305 World Memory Championship 2018 National Record 479 8
5-minute Binary 291 North German Open Memory Championship 2019 National Record 442 9
10-minute Cards 156 North German Open Memory Championship 2019 National Record 219 9
30-minute Cards 225 IAM European Memory Championship 2017 National Record 256 6
Hour Cards 520 World Memory Championships 2014 National Record 400 10
5-minute Dates 51 World Memory Championship 2018 National Record 193 12
5-minute Images 200 World Memory Championship 2018 National Record 253 13
15-minute Names & Faces 67 World Memory Championship 2018 National Record 191 9
5-minute Names & Faces 29 North German Open Memory Championship 2019 National Record 264 9
15-minute Numbers 296 North German Open Memory Championship 2019 National Record 338 8
30-minute Numbers 430 IAM European Memory Championship 2017 275 7
5-minute Numbers 202 World Memory Championship 2018 National Record 389 11
Hour Numbers 880 World Memory Championships 2015 National Record 427 9
Speed Cards 58.11 seconds World Memory Championships 2015 National Record 313 12
Spoken Numbers 37 North German Open Memory Championship 2019 508 7
15-minute Words 111 World Memory Championship 2018 National Record 307 11
5-minute Words 53 North German Open Memory Championship 2019 National Record 235 10

* An IAM level in bold indicates that this discipline is one of the best 10 used for the competitor's IAM Level calculation.