(Master Gold)

Country IAM ID Competitions
Norway 12444 11

IAM level

DisciplineScoreCompetitionRecordRankIAM level
30-minute Binary 3610 World Memory Championships 2013 National Record 27 18
5-minute Binary 1037 Swedish Open Memory Championship 2015 (Digital) National Record 18 23
10-minute Cards 326 Friendly (Cambridge) Memory Championship 2013 National Record 30 18
Hour Cards 1460 World Memory Championships 2015 National Record 12 24
5-minute Dates 84 Swedish Open Memory Championship 2015 (Digital) National Record 48 17
15-minute Names & Faces 61 World Memory Championships 2013 National Record 243 8
5-minute Names & Faces 39 Swedish Open Memory Championship 2015 (Digital) National Record 93 12
15-minute Numbers 723 Friendly (Cambridge) Memory Championship 2013 National Record 51 18
5-minute Numbers 323 World Memory Championships 2015 National Record 85 17
Hour Numbers 1966 World Memory Championships 2015 National Record 42 18
Speed Cards 25.78 seconds World Memory Championships 2015 National Record 31 19
Spoken Numbers 164 World Memory Championships 2015 National Record 38 17
15-minute Words 165 World Memory Championships 2013 National Record 99 16
5-minute Words 69 Friendly (Cambridge) Memory Championship 2013 National Record 111 13

* An IAM level in bold indicates that this discipline is one of the best 10 used for the competitor's IAM Level calculation.